
La reapertura de la caja de Pandora.

(Eduard Freudmann, Tatiana Kai-Browne, Florian Wenninger, Luisa Ziaja and Sophie Schasiepen: Chto Delat newspaper, issue #37, May 2014) "Sometimes I ask myself if by now perhaps even the political decision makers in Austria have begun to realize that it can pay off to open Pandora’s Box just a wee bit to leave a few symbolic markers."

The monument deserves better

(Konstanty Gebert: Political Critique, 27.2.2016) I have read, with growing astonishment and disappointment, the article by Gabu Heindl and Eduard Freudmann, on the vicissitudes of their participation in the competition ‘From Those You Saved’ which took place in Warsaw last year.

Warsaw Ghetto Memorial to Righteous Gentiles Hits New Snag

(Donald Snyder: The Forward, 26.2.2016) In a February 22 email to the New York philanthropist funding the project, sculptor Dani Karavan said he would not accept a commission to create the memorial unless two sculptors who won an earlier public competition for the commission withdrew willingly and “do not have further complaints or reservations.”

Poland’s mixed feelings over memorial to rescuers of Jews

(Vanessa Gera: Associated Press, 30.8.2015) As a Catholic Pole, Elka shouldn't even have been in the ghetto of Czestochowa, in southern Poland. But the nanny was so devoted to the 12-year-old Jewish boy she had raised since infancy that she refused to leave.

Jury für Gabu Heindl und Eduard Freudmann

(NZZ, 24.7.2015) Die österreichische Architektin Gabu Heindl und der Wiener Künstler Eduard Freudmann haben den internationalen Architekturwettbewerb für die Gestaltung des Denkmals zur Erinnerung an die Retter polnischer Juden gewonnen.